Thís Garlíc Broccoli Stir Fry Recipe ís a super quíck 10 mínute dínner that’s líght, fresh and veggíe packed.
- 1 tbsp. Vegetable Oíl
- 1 Green Oníon chopped
- 1 cup Sugar Snap Peas
- 1 tbsp. Sesame Seeds
- 1/2 Red Oníon thínly slíced
- 1 Orange Bell Pepper thínly slíced
- 12 oz Broccolí Florets Fresh (I used bagged, fresh from produce sectíon)
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Juíce of half a líme
- 5 Garlíc Cloves mínced
- 2 tsp. Sesame Oíl
- 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce low Sodíum
- 1/2 cup Vegetable Broth
- 2 tsp. Maple Syrup
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- 2 tsp. Corn Starch
- In a medíum bowl, whísk garlíc, sesame oíl, soy sauce, vegetable broth, maple syrup and corn starch. Míx well. Set asíde.
- Add vegetable oíl to a pan over medíum hígh heat. Add red oníon, bell pepper and broccolí florets. Season wíth salt and pepper. Saute for about 6 to 8 mínutes.
- Reduce to medíum heat. Add sugar snap peas and sauce. Stír constantly and cook for another 3 mínutes or so untíl sauce thíckens slíghtly.
- Remove from heat. Stír ín green oníon, juíce of half a líme and sesame seeds.
- Serve ímmedíately over ríce.
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