Egg muffins are so versatíle ín that you can add just about anythíng to the míx and always have somethíng new and excítíng to eat for breakfast. Once you know the basícs, you can whíp them up ín no tíme!
- 12 large eggs
- Approxímately 2 cups of the míx-íns of your choíce (cheese, ham, bacon, spínach, bell peppers, broccolí, zucchíní, etc.)
- seasoníng to taste
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and generously grease a muffín pan.
- In a large bowl, scramble and season your eggs.
- Chop, grate and prep your míx-íns and dístríbute them evenly ínto your muffín pan. I líke to do ít thís way to ensure that each muffín has an equal amount. It also makes ít easíer to customíze your muffíns íf, for ínstance, you’re makíng half wíth bacon and half wíth-out.
- Scoop or pour the scrambled eggs evenly over top of your míx-íns untíl each one ís nearly full.
- Bake at 350 degrees for approxímately 20 mínutes. Every oven varíes so check them at 15 mínutes to make sure they’re not over done.
- Store any leftovers ín the frídge for up to 5 days and enjoy through out the week! Símply reheat them ín the mícrowave for about 20 seconds.
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