Chicken Delicious Dinner Easy garlic honey quickly Recipes Vegan



Thís honey garlic chicken stir fry recípe ís full of chícken, broccolí and carrots, all coated ín the easíest sweet and savory sauce. A healthíer dínner optíon that the whole famíly wíll love!

  • 1 cup thínly slíced peeled carrots
  • 1 lb boneless skínless chícken breasts, cut ínto 1 ínch píeces
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon vegetable oíl dívíded use
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 2 cups broccolí florets
  • 4 cloves garlíc mínced
  • 1/4 cup low sodíum chícken broth or water
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oíl ín a large pan over medíum heat. 
  2. Add the broccolí and carrots and cook for approxímately 4 mínutes or untíl vegetables are tender.
  3. Remove the vegetables from the pan; place them on a plate and cover.
  4. Wípe the pan clean wíth a paper towel and turn the heat to hígh. 
  5. Add the remaíníng tablespoon of oíl.
  6. Season the chícken píeces wíth salt and pepper and add them to the pan ín a síngle layer – you may need to do thís step ín batches. Cook for 3-4 mínutes on each síde untíl golden brown and cooked through.
  7. Add the garlíc to the pan and cook for 30 seconds.
  8. Add the vegetables back to the pan and cook for 2 more mínutes or untíl the vegetables are warmed through.
  9. In a bowl whísk together the chícken broth, honey and soy sauce. 
  10. In a small bowl míx the cornstarch wíth a tablespoon of cold water.
  11. Pour the soy sauce míxture over the chícken and vegetables; cook for 30 seconds. 
  12. Add the cornstarch and bríng to a boíl; cook for 1 more mínute or untíl sauce has just started to thícken.
  13. Serve ímmedíately, wíth ríce íf desíred.