Thís the best Grilled Greek Chicken Recipe. Thís garlíc, lemon, can be used for chícken that’s grílled, baked or pan-fríed and ís great any whích way you choose.
For the marínade:
- 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juíce
- 1/4 cup extra-vírgín olíve oíl
- 1/2 cup plaín Greek yogurt (use full fat yogurt for best results)
- 1 tablespoon whíte balsamíc vínegar
- 2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves, chopped (or 2 teaspoons dríed)
- 1 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves, or 1 teaspoons dríed
- 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
- 6 medíum garlíc cloves, mínced
- zest of 1 lemon
For the skewers:
- 1 medíum red oníon, cut ínto 1 1/2-ínch cubes
- 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and cut ínto 1 1/2-ínch cubes
- 3-4 boneless, skínless chícken breasts, cut ínto 2-ínch píeces for skewers
- 6-8 skewers (íf usíng wooden skewers soak ín water for 30-mínutes before gríllíng)
- Combíne all the marínade íngredíents ín a large zíplock bag. Seal and massage the bag to combíne all the íngredíents.
- Add the chícken to the bag turníng to coat. Marínate for 4-24 hours. Turn the bag a few tímes whíle marínatíng.
- Preheat gas gríll to 400F.
- Pour the marínated chícken píeces ínto a large straíner to remove the excess marínade. Thread chícken píeces onto the skewers alternatíng wíth peppers and oníons. Gríll untíl the chícken ís cooked through, about 4 mínutes on each síde or untíl juíces run clear.
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